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21 January 2024

Children with Learning Disability|Learning Disabilities|ICDS Supervisor Kerala Study Materials

Children with Learning Disability|ICDS Supervisor Kerala Study Materials

Learning  Disabilities

Children with Learning Disability

Children with learning disabilities are those who are with average intelligence. They gen- 

erally face difficulty in reading, writing, spellings, arithmetic, language skills and so on. 

It  is important to mention here that these children have these difficulties despite appropri- 

ate academic and family environment. 

The cause of these difficulties is mainly because of   dysfunction in the language area of the brain. There are many types of learning difficulties   that can be attributed to language area dysfunction, for example: dyslexia, dysgraphia and   dyscalculia, dyspraxia, aphasia/dysphasia, visual processing disorder, auditory processing  

disorder and so on. The details given below summarises the symptoms of these disorders.

Learning Disabilities

Dyslexia : Reading difficulty. Problem in reading, spelling etc.  

Dyscalculia : Diminished mathematical  ability. Problems in doing mathematical operations  

such as addition, subtraction and so on. 

Dysgraphia: Writing difficulty. Problem in writing, understanding spelling etc. 

Dyspraxia: Difficulty in coordination between mind and motor skills. Lack of coordination between the child’s  motor skills, such holding a pencil and writing something. 

Dysphasia/Aphasia: Language difficulty. Problems in language comprehension or  

accent of any particular language.

Children affected by these conditions face various kinds of problems. However, there  

are some characteristics that are common in them.  

These children are average learners, but they face difficulties in following and under- 

standing the directions and instructions given by teachers. 

They face problems because  their brains cannot process verbal communication effectively and speedily. In addition,  they also face difficulty when faced with new situations such as frequent change of  school, class section or teachers, since they find it difficult to adjust and adapt to changing scenarios. 

Unlike other learners, these children face difficulty in completing a task in the given time. They require additional time to complete their task since they have perceptual  problems, clumsy motor activity, and perhaps also poor pencil grip. 

All these create hindrance in completing the task in time.  

Dysfunctional learners are generally not organised in life. Personal belongings such  as their bag, study table or almirah are seen to be messy. These learners may also show differences in oral and written work as they do with classroom work and assessment. 

We shall now discuss about some of the special categories of children with learning disability.  


These children face problems in reading; they hesitate and read with a lot of effort.  

Reading is a challenging task in which they tend to miss out words and sometimes, even  

whole lines. 

Hence, they fail to comprehend the meaning of what they read. Dyslexic  

learners face problems in identifying words that appear similar such as tried and tired,  

fried and fired etc. Their progress in reading takes place very slowly. Phonetic reading  

problem is very common in such learners.  

They face difficulty when they try to combine letters to make a word. Therefore,  

their pronunciation also gets affected and gradually they develop poor, disorganised  

reading skills.


Dysgraphia is associated with the writing skill and other similar activities. Children with  

this disorder show a difference between their oral and writing skills. 

Their oral skills are  better than writing skills. They become confused by similar looking letters such as b d,  

p, q, n u, s, r and so on while writing. Their vocabularies are very low and are therefore  

unable to express themselves effectively. Another important identification of these  children is that they make a lot of mistakes while copying text from the blackboard or  from other printed materials. 


Dyscalculia is associated with mathematical skills. Even simple calculations are done  

incorrectly and very slowly by learners with this disability.

 These learners fail to understand the sequence, steps and direction for solving simple mathematical problems. 

They  generally forget the steps of sequence suggested by teachers to solve any problem and  face difficulty in learning the multiplication tables, symbols and other such concepts.  


This is a disorder associated with motor nerve control, where a child faces difficulty in  

coordinating the various motor functions. As a result, it affects the outcome of work  

done in the classroom. 

These children also have difficulty in creating a clear communication between the body and the brain. Holing a pencil, or any such work that requires  hand and eye coordination will be difficult for a dyspraxic child.  


This disability is associated with language and communication skills, where, a child faces  

problem in the spoken language. Such children fail to communicate the correct version of  

their understanding or what they want to convey. 

They have a language learning disorder in which they find it hard to understand word meanings, follow directions and so on. 

Teaching–learning process of children with learning disability 

The most important thing a teacher should do is to build confidence in children with  

learning disability. This can be done by teaching organizational skills and allowing such  

learners to sit in the front of the class. 

These learners require more appreciation and  reinforcement from the teacher, even for small achievements. 

As we know, these children have difficulty in using their sensory organs also.  

Therefore, multi-sensory teaching–learning opportunities should be given by the teachers. The teacher should always create or develop a link between new and old  learning concepts; for this, the teacher should relate classroom teaching with authentic  experiences and try to assess or evaluate the learner orally. 

The teacher should always  provide a little extra time for these children in comparison to other children to enable  them complete the given work. 

Generally, teachers believe in giving lengthy talks and lectures. 

However, such lectures hinder the cognitive processes of these learners. Therefore, it is important to  give clear and brief instructions. The teacher’s work does not end with explaining the  subject or giving homework on the black board. 

They have to ensure that learners have  understood it clearly. To avoid the mistake that happen when copying from the blackboard, teachers can give printed notes and recorded lecture.

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MCQ Questions & Answers for ICDS Supervisor


1.      ICDS Supervisor NOTES

2.      Previous Questions MCQ|ICDS Supervisor Exam|ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC (1-20)

3.      Previous Questions MCQ|ICDS Supervisor Exam|ICDS Supervisor Kerala PSC (21-30)

4.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ-1

5.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 1

6.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 2

7.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 3

8.      ICDS Supervisor MCQ set 4

9.      Nutrition & Health MCQ 1

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11.  Nutrition & Health MCQ 3

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13.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 1

14.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 2

15.  ICDS Supervisor Previous Questions Set 3

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More Topic wise Notes can be got from the Website https://www.previousquestions.in


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à´—à´¸്à´±്à´±ാà´³്‍à´Ÿ്à´Ÿിà´¸ം Gestaltism Learning methods

à´œ്à´žാà´¤ൃà´µ്യവഹാà´°à´µാà´¦ം ( Cognitive behaviorism)

à´®ാനവിà´•à´¤ാà´µാà´¦ം (Humanism)

à´œ്à´žാà´¤ൃà´µാà´¦ം (Cognitivism)

à´¨ാà´¡ീമന:à´¶ാà´¸്à´¤്à´°ം (neuropsychology)|പഠനത്à´¤െ à´¸്à´µാà´§ീà´¨ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്à´¨ ഘടകങ്ങള്‍

à´•ോà´³്‍ബര്‍à´—ിà´¨്à´±െ സന്à´®ാà´°്‍à´—à´µിà´•ാസഘട്à´Ÿà´™്ങള്‍

à´µ്യക്à´¤ിà´¤്à´µം Personality

ഉള്‍à´ª്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ിà´¯ുളള à´µിà´¦്à´¯ാà´­്à´¯ാà´¸ം Inclusive education

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